I remember the very first Assembly time at Agape Christi Academy: September 3, 2013. As Mr. Culbertson talked to our small little gathering, I had the overwhelming sense that God was doing something new. Tears flowed down my face and chills ran through me as we started that first school day. It wasn’t just that God was doing something new for me, and each one there individually, which He was. It was that God was moving through believers in a new way, drawing people together from many different places, in a unifying endeavor to glorify Him in the education of students of all ages, including me! Hundreds of assembly times later, God continues to encourage and unify believers at Agape Christi Academy.
Assembly provides the perfect opportunity for parents, teachers and students to start each day on the same page, as we pray and praise God together. It also gives parents a glimpse into the treasures of a classical Christian education. During one recent assembly, Mr. Culbertson taught on the word submission, which was in our hymn for the week, Blessed Assurance. From Latin we learn that submission means: under (sub) sent purpose (mission). As a believer I am helped by knowing that submission to God and to my husband is for a good and divine purpose.
Assembly is also a time to connect with one another. You are not alone, but are a part of a community that loves you and your children. By gathering together, we have the opportunity to hear how we can specifically encourage our students and one another. God provides wisdom and words to build us up and unite us as a body, through the reminders Mr. Culbertson gives the students, the call and response “rhyminders” the students are learning, and all the sharing that takes place by meeting together.
We might be tempted to think that assembly is just for the students, but don’t be surprised when you walk away from assembly stronger in the LORD than when you arrived.